Lyrics of Me Hizo La Calle (feat. Gotay) - Benny Benni, Gotay

Me Hizo La Calle (feat. Gotay) - Benny Benni, Gotay
Song information On this page you can find the lyrics of the song Me Hizo La Calle (feat. Gotay), artist - Benny Benni
Date of issue: 14.01.2015
Age restrictions: 18+
Song language: Spanish

Me Hizo La Calle (feat. Gotay)

El mas que escribe remember
Las concord low
Cerquillo y el blow
Botella e Black Label
Marimba al flabel y me siento slow
El carro asicala’o
Pulio y brilla’o
Ando con Seis cadenas
La cartera llena, Ya toy volau
Donde yo piso tiemblan
Me gano toa la hembra
Tengo nervio de acero
Una 4.0 que no esta pa jodiendas
No fue que naci, la calle me hizo
Empezamo de abajo, yo sali del piso
No me la disfrace, me quede con el case
Los punto y los guisos…
Volvio Mr. controversy
El dia que me muera que me suban las jersey
23 de los Bulls, no la de Jorda en wizards
La percha esta tan full que no cabe una camisa
No hay mahomes to es jogger y Doscientas tenis
Quien es el mas que escribe, que en Google sale Benny
Quien podra defendernos si murio el chapulin
Pues enganchate Dos cortas, Seis peines, el magazine
Las nenas me quieren, los hombres critican
La calle me hizo los cantantes se pican
Hay un diluvio de money como el arca de Noe
No tengo sangre en mi cuerpo estoy lleno de Möet
Ando en el maquinon, un arrebato cabron
Cuando fumo le cambio la letra a esta cancion (Jajaja)
Sabes que yo soy de calle hay putas y un pistolon
Que yo me acuerdo cuando andaba to tirado por ahi el avento
Y ahora tengo KTM, Yekiti y gallo 500
Trataron de humillarme y nunca les baje los guante
Y Ahora les fronteo porque estoy duro y alante
Tirenme si quieren yo como, duermo y chicho
Que mas voy a escribir si ya todo yo lo he dicho
Millonario a los veinte yo canto por capricho
En esto del palabreo tienen que mamarme el bicho
No me ronquen en la season si no llegan a Play Off
Tu eres una cucaracha, yo te baño en off
Ponganme la corona con diamantes y rubies
Pal que el burro no se caiga por correo no lo envies
Se martilla, se chambea, pero poquito jalan
Los sacamos de equilibrio aunque anden en new balance
Ronque lo que ronque y ande con quien ande
Yo sere menor pero la calle me hizo grande
Donde yo piso tiemblan
Me llevo toa las hembras
Tengo los nervios de acero
Una 4.0 que no esta pa jodiendas
No fue que naci, la calle me hizo
Empezamo de abajo, yo sali del piso
No fue que naci, la calle me hizo
Empezamo de abajo, yo sali del piso
No me la disfrace, me quede con el case
Los punto y los guisos…
Donde yo piso tiemblan aunque no tengan prueba en escena
Los casquillo, la 40 son los que me chotean
Sigo ileso me han tirao un par de veces en el expreso
Termino pisandole la cara con las Jordan retro
Diablo Rasta es el fronteo sigo vivo y bajo deo
Quien puede contra los lobos y la sociedad del dinero
Ustedes estan pegao y no los veo
Ando con los menores y te mueres si te apuntan con el deo
Poderoso como RealG4Life baby
Los mas duro en esto Gringo y Benny Benni
Rasta la botella de champagne que se destapa
Cuesta mas que las cadenas tuyas bañada en lata
No me gusta frontiar pero Benny dice que esta se vale
Asi que voy a contarte par de historia de mi brother Ale
Cuando andabamos en el Porsche colorao, bien asicalao
Con el Sound Roof esplallao, bien almoroliao
Con las Jordan retro que pa esos tiempos no eran retro
Eran nuevas, sino con las ouclut y con las chanclas teva
Sino con el playero, los corto y las flowho
Tu rapeton todavia se escucha flojo
Tranquilo papo que toito cambia
Dale rewind al casette y ponte humolandia
Mis respeto pal DJ Negro y el Vico
Que yo sepa ese es el mas duro en Puerto Rico
Cierre el pico muchacho que esto es a lo loco
Aqui to el mundo mete mano, aqui nadie es ñoko
Y mala mia por si me emboco
Pero el nombre que esta corriendo por ahi es el del Broko
La calle me hizo y me gradue con honores
Desde el underground soy uno de los mejores
Me crie entre los puntos, rifles con los tambores
Vacilando con gatas de todo los colores
Un dia en el hotel otro en el caserio
No queria problema siempre estaba en mi lio
Estuve en un tiempo retirao y perdio
Y mirenme ahora el genero es mio
Millone en la red, las radio se alborotan
Mato con los videos los conciertos explotan
Cual es mi inspiracion?, ahi esta el detalle
No me hizo una disquera, a mi me hizo la calle
Las concord low
Cerquillo y el blow
Botella e Black Label
Marimba al flabel y me siento slow
El carro asicala’o
Pulio y brilla’o
Ando con Seis cadenas
La cartera llena, Ya toy volau
Donde yo piso tiemblan
Me gano toa la hembra
Tengo nervio de acero
Una 4.0 que no esta pa jodiendas
No fue que naci, la calle me hizo
Empezamo de abajo, yo sali del piso
No me la disfrace, me quede con el case
Los punto y los guisos…
Soy el dueño del movimiento, musicalmente soy un experto
Lo mio es sumar pana mio yo nunca resto
Tengo toa las retro, controlo el area metro
Y tengo socios en la isla mi herma que son de respeto
A las shortys se lo meto despues ni les contesto
No quiero tipas Psico que pongan veinte pretexto
Botellas de blue label, los philly y las endo
De humilde presupuesto, y el que ronque lo acuesto
Le doy un call al boss y que baje toa las prendas
El Rolex endiamantoa, pa que me entienda
Yo vengo de abajo y me quede con toa la tienda
Y tengo un par de localcito que me estan pagando rentas
Y yo sigo aqui…
Y no pienso dejarla caer eh, eh
Mis viejos me enseñaron Wo oh oh
A nunca retroceder…
(Ladies And Gentleman)
Otro palo mas es Yankee Sterium plo, plo
Hasta un muerto resucita para escuchar mi 16
Quien ha matao los dos Millenium?
plo, plo
Voa revelarle mi secreto yo vengo desde el space
Socorro, soy el panico, gritos a chorro
Un objeto no identificado impacto pueltorro
Se apodero del mundo porque era necessary
Cuenta la historia de un fenomeno llamado Daddy
Alice Parkinson, leyenda en el microphone
Bajando los progamas a estos bichotes de Microsoft
Satelite del case estas peor que un G.P.S
Se pasan llevando y trayendo soliciten J.P.S
Con Cuatro barras le mandaron pal casco (Uno menos)
Quedan Tres y a ese le dieron al clavo con todo lleno
Faltan Dos Y a Uno de ellos papa dios le dio el aviso
De ese grupo queda uno a mi la calle me hizo
Esto es solo un comienzo, del Tres Dos Mil Uno, Cinco
Garantizado voy a dejar Dos o Tres trinco, frizado
Amarrese las bota soldado
Que este año si que vengo virado
Mueka bota el philly que estamos fumando Baxy, relaxy
En la parte atras del taxy
Manhattan, Paseando por el Brooklyn Brige
Te pillamos en Nueva York y te apagamos el Switche
Home boy, seguimos en el tope a galope
No hay un party que se escocote
Promotores aseguren su dinero, primero
Que cuando explote en Enero salieron su recupero
Muy facil, el que los contabiliza
Dicen que Cosculluela no escribe, improvisa
Pero nadie se atreva a cruzar la raya
Porque vaya pa donde vaya
No hay un huracan que tumbe esta muralla.
El Princi
El Cere Uh Uh
El Mueka, Brrr
Segui, El Productor
Y Recuerda Que…
Rotweillas Inc. Men
La Historia De Este Genero
LG, Da One
Si Tu La Conoces (Da Boss)
El Princi
Dicta Que Solo Un Personaje
Dimelo Benni
Lo Hizo La Brea
Cris G
La Jodienda
SK Records
I followed
The most who writes remember
the concord low
fringe and blow
Bottle and Black Label
Marimba to the flabel and I feel slow
The asicala'o car
Polished and shined
I walk with six chains
The wallet is full, I'm already flying
Where I tremble
I win all the female
I have a nerve of steel
A 4.0 that is not for fucking
It wasn't that I was born, the street made me
We started from the bottom, I left the floor
I did not dress it up, I kept the case
The points and the stews…
Mr. controversy is back
The day I die let my jersey go up
23 from the Bulls, not Jorda's at wizards
The hanger is so full that a shirt does not fit
There are no mahomes to be a jogger and two hundred sneakers
Who is the most that writes, that Benny appears in Google
Who could defend us if the chapulin died
Well get hooked Two short, Six combs, the magazine
The girls love me, the men criticize
The street made me the singers itch
There's a deluge of money like Noah's ark
I have no blood in my body I am full of Möet
I'm in the machine, a bastard outburst
When I smoke I change the lyrics to this song (Hahaha)
You know that I'm from the street, there are whores and a pistol
That I remember when the event was lying around
And now I have KTM, Yekiti and Gallo 500
They tried to humiliate me and I never let them down
And now I front them because I'm hard and front
Throw me if you want I eat, sleep and boy
What else am I going to write if I have already said everything
Millionaire at twenty I sing on a whim
In this talk they have to suck the bug
Don't snore me in the season if you don't make it to Play Off
You are a cockroach, I bathe you in off
Crown me with diamonds and rubies
Pal that the donkey does not fall by mail do not send it
It is hammered, it is chambea, but they pull a little
We take them out of balance even if they are in a new balance
Snore what you snore and walk with whoever you walk with
I may be smaller but the street made me great
Where I tremble
I take all the females
I have nerves of steel
A 4.0 that is not for fucking
It wasn't that I was born, the street made me
We started from the bottom, I left the floor
It wasn't that I was born, the street made me
We started from the bottom, I left the floor
I did not dress it up, I kept the case
The points and the stews…
Where I stand they tremble even though they have no proof on the scene
The caps, the 40 are the ones that joke with me
I'm still unharmed, they threw me a couple of times on the express
I end up stepping on his face with the retro Jordans
Devil Rasta is the fronteo I'm still alive and under deo
Who can against the wolves and the money society
You are stuck and I don't see you
I walk with minors and you die if they point their finger at you
Powerful like RealG4Life baby
The hardest in this Gringo and Benny Benni
Rasta the bottle of champagne that is uncorked
It costs more than the chains of yours bathed in a can
I don't like frontiar but Benny says this one is okay
So I'm going to tell you a couple of stories about my brother Ale
When we were in the Porsche colorao, well assail
With the Sound Roof esplallao, well almoroliao
With the retro Jordans that for those times were not retro
They were new, but with the ouclut and with the teva flip flops
But with the beach, the short and the flowho
Your rapeton still sounds weak
Calm down dad, everything changes
Rewind the cassette and get smokey
My respect for DJ Negro and Vico
To my knowledge that is the hardest in Puerto Rico
Shut up boy, this is crazy
Everyone puts their hand here, nobody here is ñoko
And my bad in case I get stuck
But the name that is running around is that of Broko
The street made me and I graduated with honors
From the underground I'm one of the best
I was raised between the points, rifles with the drums
Hesitating with cats of all colors
One day in the hotel another in the farmhouse
I didn't want a problem, I was always in my mess
I was in a retired time and lost
And look at me now the gender is mine
Million on the net, the radios riot
I kill with the videos the concerts explode
What is my inspiration?, there is the detail
A label didn't make me, the street made me
the concord low
fringe and blow
Bottle and Black Label
Marimba to the flabel and I feel slow
The asicala'o car
Polished and shined
I walk with six chains
The wallet is full, I'm already flying
Where I tremble
I win all the female
I have a nerve of steel
A 4.0 that is not for fucking
It wasn't that I was born, the street made me
We started from the bottom, I left the floor
I did not dress it up, I kept the case
The points and the stews…
I own the movement, musically I'm an expert
My thing is to add, my friend, I never rest
I have all the retro, I control the metro area
And I have partners on the island, my sister, who are respectful
I put it to the shortys later and I don't even answer them
I don't want Psycho types who put twenty excuses
Bottles of blue label, the philly and the endo
With a humble budget, and whoever snores I put him to bed
I give a call to the boss and have him lower all the clothes
The Rolex endiamantoa, so that you understand me
I come from below and I stay with the whole store
And I have a couple of small shops that are paying me rent
And I'm still here…
And I'm not going to drop it huh, huh
My old folks taught me Wo oh oh
To never back down...
(Ladies And Gentlemen)
Yet another suit is Yankee Sterium plo, plo
Even a dead man rises to listen to my 16
Who has killed the two Millenium?
plo plo
I'm going to reveal my secret to you, I come from space
Help, I'm the panic, screams gushing
An unidentified object hit piggyback
He took over the world because it was necessary
It tells the story of a phenomenon called Daddy
Alice Parkinson, legend on the microphone
Downloading the programs to these Microsoft bugs
Satellite of the case you are worse than a G.P.S
They spend carrying and bringing request J.P.S
With four bars they sent him to the helmet (One less)
There are three left and they hit the nail on the head with everything full
Two are missing And to one of them, God gave him the notice
Of that group there is one left to me the street made me
This is just a start, from Three Two Thousand One, Five
Guaranteed I'm going to leave Two or Three trinco, fried
tie your boots soldier
That this year if I come turned
Mueka throws away the philly we're smoking Baxy, relaxy
In the back of the taxy
Manhattan, Walking along the Brooklyn Bridge
We caught you in New York and we turned off your Switch
Home boy, we're still at the top at a gallop
There is no party that cleavage
Promoters secure your money, first
That when it exploded in January its recovery came out
Very easy, the one who counts them
They say that Cosculluela does not write, he improvises
But nobody dares to cross the line
Because wherever you go
There is no hurricane that will knock down this wall.
The princi
The Cere Uh Uh
The Mueka, Brrr
Follow, The Producer
And remember that…
Rotweillas Inc. Men
The History Of This Genre
LG, Da One
If You Know Her (Da Boss)
The princi
Dictates That Only One Character
tell me benni
La Brea did it
Chris G
the fucking
SK Records
Translation rating: 5/5 | Votes: 1

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Other songs of the artist:

Le Sigo Dando 2013
Cuando Estoy Contigo 2013
No Perdamos Tiempo 2013
Real Love 2013
El Reencuentro 2013
Soltera ft. Gotay, Luigi 21 Plus 2017
Ella Es Como Es 2013
Te Llame 2013
No Me Tortures ft. Gotay, Carlitos Rossy 2018
Experimentan La Perse (feat. Pusho, Gotay & Farruko) ft. Farruko, Pusho, Gotay 2015
No Me Quiero Despedir 2016
Mi Mayor Venganza ft. Pouliryc, Darkiel, Beltito "Esta En El Beat" 2017
Hasta Otro Mundo ft. Gokhan Temizoglu, Gotay 2015
Noche de Locura ft. YOMO, Osquel, Towy 2018