Date of issue: 09.03.2006
Song language: English
Return to Hatheg-Kla |
Some would call it epiphany, |
others would deem it the final descent into madness… |
whatever the case, the last vestiges of those tenuous |
palisades which had previously, |
and blessedly, safeguarded my reason and prevented |
my mind from accepting the full and staggering magnitude |
of the naked truth then crumbled, |
fading into nothingness like the dissolution of a night-mist. |
At length, one oppressively miasmic night, |
with such malefically portentous lore preying pitilessly |
upon my sanity, I began to descend through a myriad |
veils of sombre and swirling shades, |
finally surrendering my grip on wakefulness. |
And on that fitful, fateful eve, the last of the dreams came… |
A waking dream? |
I dare not speculate. |
The vision was mine, the soul too. |
. |
but the time, the place, |
the very flesh, all this and more was unknown to me. |
I stood upon a nighted vista. |
. |
unfeasibly alien, and yet at once wholly, unnervingly familiar. |
In my hand I grasped a glimmering crystal which although |
beautiful in its shimmering radiance, |
was as black as the impenetrable depths of the most stygian midnight sea. |
As I gazed into the obsidian heart of the gem, |
a needle of black light lanced forth from its multi-faceted |
surface and filled my eyes with a panoply of fantastic |
hues, revealing to me in between its pulses of massing |
darkness certain fleeting glimpses of places and things |
so fantastically terrifying that I could not faithfully |
begin to recount their hideous and yet grimly compelling nature. |
A terrible sound filled my ears. |
. |
an insidious resonance which sent waves of excruciating |
pain coursing through my mind. |
. |
a sound which inexorably coalesced into a recognizable |
but entirely inhuman voice, |
a voice which slowly, inevitably, |
formed approximations of words which I could discern… |
Hearken, o' manling of the Tellurian orb… the Circle closes. |
Perpare to embrace the agony of enlightenment. |
Know you of the Six Cataclysms? |
I do. |
Six times has the world perished and been reborn! |
You have discovered the true meaning of the six coruscating |
rings of arcane power? |
Praise Klatrymadon and Zuranthus! |
The Six Keys! |
Know you of the blackened orb which burned bright o’er ancient Lemuria? |
Know you of the sidereal flame which engulfed the high |
seat of power in Ultima Thule? |
Know you of that martial sorcery woven in the pitiless |
throng of epic battle? |
Know you of the astral power permeating the multiverse |
and the might of the cosmic codex? |
Know you of the rise and fall of glorious Atlantis? |
Know you the blasphemies contained within the Chthonic Chronicles? |
I know all this, and more! |
Have you, o' hybrid child of the cosmos, |
gazed into the Great Eye of the Universe? |
I have. |
And what did you see there, young Xerxes? |
I saw oblivion and damnation. |
I saw truth, and enlightenment. |
I saw the closure of the Great Circle Without End. |
I saw the Sixth Great Cataclysm. |
I saw the alpha and the omega, I saw the beginning… and I saw the end. |
The end of all there is! |